What affects the Sanitary Napkin Prices in India?
If you observe you will see that the sanitary napkin prices in India vary from one band to the next. Have you ever wondered two companies manufacturing the same product charges you differently? Like any other item, sanitary napkins vary in a number of different ways. Here are the factors that affect the prices of sanitary pads for heavy periods . The Size of the Packet: First and foremost, if you want to purchase sanitary pads and buy panty liners online , the size of the packet will determine the cost. The larger the packet the costlier it is compared to smaller packaging. However, the bigger packs are definitely more cost-effective as the rate per napkin is arguably lesser than the smaller packets. Since this is a monthly occurrence, buying pads for heavy periods in large quantities usually proves to be more beneficial for the customers and also decreases the chances of running out of pads during the periods. The Material: Biodegradable sanitary napkins are arguably the greene