Things to Consider before Using Panty Liners

Today’s women are no longer confined to the four walls surrounding them- even during their menstrual cycle. Earlier, women had to use rags, sheep wool, cotton wool, knitted pads, rabbit fur, and other products to absorb excessive bleeding during their menstrual cycles. The sanitary napkins have undergone huge changes with time. 

Before these pads came with thick belts and resembled bulky diapers. The sanitary pads come in better designs as well as additional absorbent chemicals and materials. Pads are becoming thinner, soft, and more comfortable. 

Today, pads come with wings on both sides- women who are concerned about odour can choose from a variety of scented pads. There are several other sanitary products available for mensruating women. Women have the autonomy to choose from menstrual cups, tampons, pads, and period panty. 

However, sanitary pads are used by young girls and women to a large extent in comparison to other products. Mostly, poor women or girls and even women living in rural areas can’t afford to buy sanitary pads due to their high costs. 

What are the advantages of using panty liners? 

Panty liners are a comfortable and hygienic alternative to conventional methods used by women to manage their period such as rags or clothes. Pads are easy and convenient to use- unlike other products such as menstrual cups or tampons, you won’t have to insert them inside your vaginal canal. You can stick them to your undergarment by removing the sticker. It’s easy to change and access as well. 

When choosing a pad, women often consider aspects such as flow absorption capacity, pricing, size, brand’s popularity, or many other things. You can always consider the best sanitary napkin brand in India

Women who encounter heavy periods can find out pads that are especially designed for heavy flow. For example, these pads can be relatively thicker and longer than other conventional pads. Pads with wings are a safer option.


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