Everything you Need to Know about Sanitary Pads for First Periods

Periods can be distressing and uncomfortable without the right “protective” gear. This is especially true for first-timers. Add to that the emotional turmoil of not getting why you are bleeding from your vagina, and you will understand why is it so important to get the right sanitary pads for first periods. Sanitary pads and panty liners online shopping for first-time users requires detailed research and exceptional care as the little girls are yet to grasp the complexities of the menstrual cycle. So here’s a list of what you need to know as a parent or a guardian before you buy your daughters their first-ever sanitary pads.  

  • The Thickness: The girls are not accustomed to wearing super thick pads regularly and therefore are more likely to feel uncomfortable with the thick pads stuck at their crotch area. Since they do not know how much the flow will be, choosing sanitary pads distributors that sell ultra-thin pads might be a better idea. If the thickness isn’t enough, then you can always go for a thicker variety. 
  • The Material: No matter how much you prepare the kids mentally, the chances of them being physically prepared to combat their periods is close to zero. For sanitary pads for first periods, comfort is the key. Choosing a cottony-soft sanitary pad can prevent irritation and itchiness in the crotch area and can be a better fit for first-time users. 
  • Additional Attributes: If you are going for panty liners online shopping or buying sanitary pads for the first period, there are certain additional factors that can improve the experience. Many of the sanitary napkins available today come in pretty packages and have odor control technology that keeps you fresh throughout the day. Compared to the simple, plain white napkins, the floral patterned and printed sanitary pads might be more soothing and appreciated by the first-time user as they are prettier to look at while offering the same coverage.


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