Period Tracking Apps and Heavy Flow Pads


Periods are very normal, and most women get them every month. Your periods are the stepping stone to “womanhood” that reminds you that you are one of those chosen few who can bring in a new life on this planet and keep the species going. In the 21st century, there is an app for every possible purpose. From food delivery to medicines– the advancement in technology has been phenomenal. The period tracking apps give you a reminder that your periods are near, and it's time to get your best panty liners and cotton sanitary pads for those painful five days of the month. 

How Period Tracking Apps are Related to Heavy Flow Pads? 

The answer is simple. The trackers take in all the necessary information they need to keep you updated about your periods. This also includes the days you are likely to bleed the most and, therefore, should be fully equipped with your heavy flow pads, cotton sanitary pads, or whatever sanitation product you use. With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, many women fail to remember our period dates and can suffer from unwanted blood stains on clothes and sheets. The best panty liners and sanitary napkins prevent such mishaps but only when you remember to use them. 

This is why a proper period tracking app that is end-to-end encrypted and keeps your personal information safe and private could be of enormous help during the days of your menstrual cycle. The cotton sanitary pads are soft to the touch and super comfortable, making your periods a little easier. The heavy flow pads prevent stains and keep you fresh on the days you are most likely to bleed gallons of blood, while the best panty liners offer you all-around protection during your periods. With period trackers and amazing sanitation products, your periods might not be as bad as it feels!


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