A Comparison between Biodegradable Panty Liners and their Synthetic Alternatives

The world today requires a lot of care and assistance from its inhabitants. And biodegradable panty liners and the best sanitary pads in India are taking a turn towards a greener earth. The traditional sanitary napkins and panty liners that were available in the market for so long are slowly paving the path for their more eco-friendly alternatives, and that is a piece of huge good news. There are certain characteristic differences between biodegradable panty liners and their synthetic counterparts. Read on to find out why and how compostable panty liners are the better choice between the two. 

  • The natural aspect: As the name suggests, biodegradable panty liners are more nature-friendly. They have a lower plastic content which makes them compostable, as once they are discarded, they go back to nature and enrich the soil. Synthetic panty liners and the best sanitary pads in India have a higher level of plastic in them. So the entire sanitation tool does not decompose and leaves behind harmful residues. They can often cause biohazards if not disposed of properly. Therefore more and more women slowly prefer biodegradable panty liners over synthetic ones. 
  • Lack of Harmful Chemicals: Most synthetic panty liners and sanitary napkins contain chemicals for preservation and odor control. While they might last longer than the biodegradable options, the chemicals can cause itchiness and irritation in the pubic region when worn for a longer period than prescribed. Biodegradable panty liners, on the other hand, do not have any chemical preservatives in them. This reduces the discomfort and ensures that the comfort level is higher during the days of your periods. 
  • Material Comfort: Synthetic pads and panty liners are thinner and more absorbent. However, the plastic sheathes over and under the pads can be quite uncomfortable. Biodegradable pads are made of cotton and are super soft to the touch. They are a little thicker but are equally absorbent and arguably way more comfortable than their synthetic alternatives.


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