Period symptoms, but no Periods! Should I be worried? Find out here

It is a little annoying to a menstruator to not get the period even after experiencing all symptoms when you desperately want to get your periods on time. Your heart screams, “Wyyyyyyy?????” Well, we are here to answer your “Whyyyyyyy”, so next time you don’t scream in anguish or panic but rather in contentment. 

Whether you just started menstruating or have been tracking menstruation for quite a few years. You will know that period symptoms help you recognize the beginning of your menstrual cycle. But sometimes, you tend to have all the signs of periods, such as 
  • Breast swelling and tenderness 
  • Tension 
  • Bloating 
  • Acne breakouts 
  • Leg, back, or stomach cramping 
  • PMS 

Despite all these symptoms, sometimes periods might not occur for you. There is a possibility of pregnancy, which might not be the reason here. Otherwise, you would not be reading this. 

various other factors that result in missing your periods, such as 
  1. Anovulation 
  2. Mittelschmerz 
  3. Birth control 
  4. Stress 
  5. Hypothyroidism 
  6. PCOS 
  7. Uterine polyps or Ovarian cysts 
  8. PID 
  9. UTIs 
Let’s dive into details and learn about the above-mentioned terms so that you can answer yourself when you go through a similar situation rather than panicking. 


Hormonal imbalance may most commonly be seen during the first year of periods or in those women approaching menopause. Anovulation occurs when an ovum (egg) does not release from the ovary during the menstrual cycle. Treatment options may vary depending on the severity, from lifestyle changes, medication, or IVF. 


Have you experienced sudden one-sided pain in your lower abdomen, which feels like cramps? Well, it’s not your actual indication for periods since it generally occurs approximately fourteen days before your next menstrual cycle and also happens without regular bleeding. Mittelschmerz is derived from German, meaning ‘middle pain’. It is usually self-healing or can be treated by home remedies. If the situation worsens, it is better to consult a specialist. 


You might have known about various birth control methods. One such prominent method, the IUD (Intrauterine device), results in the heaviness of your flow, causing a halting of the periods. IUD prevents your periods from occurring but continues to show symptoms like cramps, acne, and bloating. 


Studies have shown that women predominantly suffer physical stress that lightens or stops their menstrual cycles. Extreme stress may even prevent bleeding during the period cycle. This mainly occurs due to the release of chemicals from the hypothalamus triggering the pituitary gland to release oestrogen and progesterone. If you are under stress, it might be high time to try various home treatment methods such as meditation, communicating with your loved ones, or, in critical cases, you can consult a psychiatrist/ psychologist to treat your mental health. 


Your thyroid gland stops producing essential hormones when you have hypothyroidism. If untreated, several health problems may arise, such as obesity, joint pain, and, notably causes, missed or late periods. This results in your body displaying all the signs of periods but does not result in bleeding. If you start feeling fatigued without reason or start getting dry skin or place, it might indicate to consult a doctor. 


Have you ever felt like you have an irregular or prolonged menstrual cycle? It might be due to a syndrome called PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Women of reproductive age are commonly affected by this hormonal disorder. When PCOS happens, you tend to have infrequent periods, sometimes preventing the ovaries from releasing the egg during ovulation. Have you been experiencing infertility or signs of excessive androgens, such as worsening hirsutism, acne, and male-pattern baldness? If you have concerns about your period cycle, consult your doctor. 


Sometimes, you might have irregular menstrual periods and heavy flow during periods. It might result from the formation of lumps attached to the uterus within its inner wall called uterine polyps. These are generally non-cancerous but cause irregular periods. Even with minor symptoms for some women, it might result in varying complications and bloating. 


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease infects one or more female reproductive organs such as the womb, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. PID shows very subtle symptoms making it difficult to detect. PID is also characterized by irregular periods, where you might experience period-like symptoms without bleeding. Suppose it continues to exist with severe lower abdomen pain, nausea and vomiting, and fever; it is recommended to take medical care. 


Compared to men, women are at a greater risk of getting affected by UTIs. Urinary Tract Infection affects the urinary system, such as your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The symptoms might seem similar to the period, getting low belly cramps without bleeding. Your doctor may recommend a CT scan, an MRI, or an ultrasound if you have frequent urinary tract infections.  


Facing such circumstances can be stressful. Meeting your Gynaecologist, discussing your issues, and taking proper treatment can take care of such issues and prevent such occurrences.


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