Which Pads to buy if you have Heavy Flow?

Being a woman is not easy in this fast-paced world. On the days you have your periods; it feels like your body is crumbling into pieces. Therefore, you must use the right kind of pads if you have a heavy blood flow. That way, you feel free of the constant tension of staining your clothes. Read the entire to learn more about which pads to buy if you have a heavy flow. You can even search for ‘best pads for heavy flow’ online to get the desired results. 

1. Length and width 

By the longest and extra wide pads so that there is no chance of leakage. You can wear them for a longer duration than other pads without getting your clothes stained. You will also feel comfortable since this pad will properly cover every inch of your underwear. Therefore, whenever you go out to buy pads, check the size of the pack and purchase the big ones. If you wish to use panty liners as well, then you can learn more about them by searching for ‘panty liners price’ online. 

2. Soft and breathable 

The pods you choose to buy during your periods need to be soft and breathable. Otherwise, you might develop a rash or an infection. Your vagina is filled with moisture and during these days, it needs an absorbent that is gentle on the skin. Periods make your body lose its momentum, therefore, you need to be extremely comfortable and at ease. So, ensure that the pads you buy have a soft coating and are not harsh on the skin. 

3. Fragrance 

Since you have a heavy flow, you would not wish to smell bad all day. Therefore, using a pad that has fragrance will help you cut off the bad odor and also make you feel fresh and confident. You can also search for ‘sanitary pads for the first period’ online to get appropriate results.


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