Qualities to Look for While Buying Panty Liners Online

Sanitary pads for heavy flow are an absolute necessity for women during their periods. Compared to other alternative sanitation choices like cloth and cotton sheets, sanitary napkins offer the coverage and comfort that a woman needs during those days of the month. However, before or right after the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body secrets certain discharges that might be wet and a reason for discomfort in the pubic areas. This is where panty liners come in. Before you make an online purchase of panty liners, there are certain qualities or features that you must be aware of to make a smart buy. Here are the key attributes you need to look for while buying panty liners online . Length and Thickness: Unlike sanitary pads for heavy flow , panty liners do not have to be designed for soaking gallons of blood. This is why panty liners should be thinner compared to comfort sanitary pads . Lengthwise they are a little smaller too and should be able to cover the crotch area and, at the sam...