
Showing posts from February, 2023

Which Pads to buy if you have Heavy Flow?

Being a woman is not easy in this fast-paced world. On the days you have your periods; it feels like your body is crumbling into pieces. Therefore, you must use the right kind of pads if you have a heavy blood flow. That way, you feel free of the constant tension of staining your clothes. Read the entire to learn more about which pads to buy if you have a heavy flow. You can even search for ‘ best pads for heavy flow ’ online to get the desired results.  1. Length and width  By the longest and extra wide pads so that there is no chance of leakage. You can wear them for a longer duration than other pads without getting your clothes stained. You will also feel comfortable since this pad will properly cover every inch of your underwear. Therefore, whenever you go out to buy pads, check the size of the pack and purchase the big ones. If you wish to use panty liners as well, then you can learn more about them by searching for ‘ panty liners price ’ online.  2. Soft and breatha...

Tips to Maintain Good Vaginal Hygiene during Periods

Since the vagina is a body part that has a lot of moisture, it is prone to get infections, rashes, and various other diseases. These diseases can get very severe if proper hygiene is not maintained. Therefore, to keep your vagina hygienic during periods, you must go through the tips given below. You can also search for ‘ best sanitary napkin for heavy flow ’ if you get heavy blood flow during periods.  1. Change your sanitary napkin every few hours  You must change your sanitary napkin after a very few hours. Wearing a pad for long hours will lead to rashes and irritation in the vagina. It might even lead to infections.  2. Take a bath every day  Your vagina needs constant washing during periods therefore, it is better if you take a bath every day during periods to smell good and keep your vagina clean. These small things will help you save yourself from getting any kind of infection. You can also make panty a part of your daily routine to maintain good vaginal hygie...

Why should you use Panty Liners Daily?

Being a woman, you must have heard about panty liners. If you’re someone who has not started using them yet, then you have come to the right place. Panty liners are extremely important for your vaginal hygiene. If you want to stay healthy and protected from infections, then using panty liners is the key. Read this article to learn why you should use them regularly. You can also search for ‘ best panty liners ’ online to get the desired results.  1. Helps keep your vagina fresh and healthy  By using panty liners, you will be able to keep your vagina fresh, dry, and healthy. You will not experience wetness in your underwear and you will be able to feel more comfortable and at ease with yourself. These panty liners are so light and breathable that you will soon forget that you are wearing them. If you’re having trouble finding some good sanitary napkins, then searching for sanitary pads online will solve your problem.  2. Helpful in case of unexpected periods  These pa...

Why should you use Biodegradable Sanitary Pads?

Sanitary pads are one of the most used products for dealing with periods. The majority of women purchase thousands of sanitary pads a year. So, the better alternative to normal pads is biodegradable pads as they do not harm the environment. Read the entire article to learn about why using these pads can prove to be a good decision. 1. Environment-friendly  The environment has already been damaged enough due to human inventions. By using biodegradable pads, you will be doing your bit towards saving the environment and hoping for its betterment. The less plastic you use, the less damage the environment will have to face. Think about the future generations and then make your decision.  2. Same as normal pads  There is not much difference between normal pads and biodegradable pads except that they are not made with plastic. They are equally comfortable and will make you feel at ease during your periods. You can learn about them online and also check out their prices. There a...

How to Buy the Best Panty Liner?

Being a woman, panty liners are a part of your daily routine. But buying panty liners blindly without checking if they are good or not, can prove to be a big mistake. Your vagina is extremely sensitive and filled with fluids, so getting an infection down there is extremely easy. Therefore, read this article to learn about some interesting tips to help you buy the best panty liners. You can also search for ‘ best panty liners for sensitive skin ’ if you have sensitive skin.  1. Light and comfortable   Your panty liner should make you forget that you even wearing one. It should be so light and comfortable that you don’t even realize that you are wearing one, after a while. Your panty liner must be breathable as well because otherwise it might cause red rashes, irritation, or just make you feel extremely uncomfortable. So, look out for these things when you go to buy your panty liners next time.  2. Fragrance  Your panty liners must smell amazingly good so that they can...

How to choose the Right Sanitary Pad?

If you’ve just had your first period, then you have come to the right place. Periods are normal; therefore, you have nothing to be scared of. But you must choose the right kind of sanitary pads that make you feel comfortable during this time of the month. Read this article to learn about the things you must consider before you decide to buy a sanitary pad. You can also search for ‘ sanitary pads for the first period ’ to learn more about sanitary pads and how to use them.  1. Your flow  The type of pad that you should buy depends on the amount of your flow. If you have a heavy flow then you will need extra absorbent and bigger pads but if you have a light or medium flow and then medium-sized pads will do the job. It is your responsibility to figure out what kind of flow you have and then select the pad on that basis. Doing this and selecting the right pad will save you from a lot of period stains and ruined clothes. You should also add panty liners to your daily routine as th...

Why should you Use Panty Liners?

Being a woman, panty liners should be a part of your grocery list as well as of your daily routine. You must know that your vagina secretes some fluids regularly. Panty liners, shorter and different from sanitary napkins are useful for absorbing that secretion and also keeping your underwear from getting spoilt. Read the entire article to learn more about why you should use panty liners. You can also search for ‘ panty liners for sensitive skin ’ online in case you have sensitive skin.  1. It keeps your underwear from getting ruined  Panty liners are a must if you want your underwear to last for a long period. They will absorb your vaginal secretions and also help in keeping your underwear dry. Vaginal secretions are a very normal and healthy thing. Everybody has them; therefore you have nothing to feel embarrassed about. Just maintain proper vaginal hygiene by buying panty liners.  2. Hygiene  Hygiene is an extremely important factor if you wish to protect yourself ...